About Me

Hi, I'm Sam.

This is my writer's notebook. It's all the stuff I'm slotting into the great patchwork of influences that will eventually turn themselves into something that I write, whether that be fiction, non-fiction, TTRPG or poetry, or something else that I make.

If you need to think of it as a physical space, think of it as my study, or my studio. There's notes on the things that I'm working on, shelves of books, a half bound notebook, a nearly finished piece of knitting, dice, empty mugs, lots of pens and pencils and scraps of paper, and a wonky old laptop, and a nice clicky keyboard. There's probably music or a podcast playing, or I'm watching something while I knit.

It's not a portfolio or a resume. I am not a brand. It's an artist's studio, or a workshop. Mind your step, there may be paint on the floor.

It's my own personal little slice of the web. A little grassy hillock that's held aloft in cyberspace by html-tag-spouting repulsorlifts. It's got a little patchwork flag stuck in the top, flapping raggedly in the wind of the information superhighway.

It's also extremely under construction right now. This is the most utilitarian version I think I could come up with. 'Functional' is probably the label that applies, barely. I'm obviously going to work on it over time, but my primary focus is writing and posting. Making it look pretty is going to be secondary to all that.

Anyway - the things that primarily occupy me are all written above, and I love getting and writing correspondence about them, so if you want to email me, you definitely should. Can't think of an opener? Tell me what you're excited to be working on at the moment.

If you want to know what I'm doing right now, you should check out my Mastodon feed.

Much love,
