My name is Sam, and this is my online notebook. It's a place for me to put updates on projects that I'm working on, in the hope of inspiring people or getting them interested in something I'm making, or just to entertain them for a little while. It's a work in progress! I'm focusing on being able to publish over the site's looks or funtionality right now, which is why it looks so heckin' awful. It'll get better.
This page tells you a little bit about the other areas of the site.
My about page tells you a little bit more about me and what this site is intended to be.
The notebook is my log-book for projects that I'm currently working on and a place for me to put my long form musin's on things. It's roughly analogous to a blog, I think.
Resources contains a number of links to useful items that I've found around the web and wanted to collect for other people to use, too. It's small right now, but it'll surely grow.
The scrapnotes page is for everything that I come aross that I think that's worth sharing with a little note about it. It's a micro-blog or a linkdump, basically.
When you look at my site vs when you view the code: