d100 Handles for All Your Cyberpunk TTRPG Needs
I'm in the middle of tinkering with a cyberpunk TTRPG that I'm tentatively calling Revolution.exe. I needed a few cyberpunk handles to write play examples, and then I was overtaken by a feverish state in which I wrote 100 cyberpunk handles. Figured people could use 'em in their CY_BORG or Cyberpunk RED games too, or what have you. Have fun!
A bunch of them are pretty immature, but cyberpunks be like that sometimes. There's a few EXTREMELY SUBTLE references in there, too...
d100 Cyberpunk Handles
1-50 | Handle | 51-100 | Handle |
1 | NeuroPrancer | 51 | DarkLark |
2 | Blackout | 52 | Pork-Oo-Pine |
3 | Slapple | 53 | NeuroFucky |
4 | UWotMate | 54 | darkshadesbigsword |
5 | MidniteHaggette | 55 | BellJarDweller |
6 | StabbyPumpkin | 56 | KNOCKsup2 |
7 | PlsBiteMeSatan | 57 | True_Name |
8 | Hotsauce | 58 | BatCountryHag |
9 | M4GP13 | 59 | Name_Dot_Exe |
10 | DiceMeUp | 60 | caps_suck |
11 | Slayerette06 | 61 | FIGHTY |
12 | Paper_Man | 62 | Kasabians_Head |
13 | OrpleGorple | 63 | BisnisCasyooal |
14 | UnsecretGoth | 64 | MrAnderson |
15 | HubertManyNames | 65 | FireWeasel |
16 | BeardDuke | 66 | RippinGood |
17 | WoadToad | 67 | WabiSabiTabby |
18 | HecklesCake | 68 | Funiculator |
19 | MawkishScion | 69 | SuckingChestWound |
20 | HiVisPink | 70 | ThisGenderKillsNormies |
21 | SpiderThem | 71 | SherlockBones |
22 | CYBERMEDADDYxoxo | 72 | WishYouWereMe |
23 | BadWyvernTester | 73 | Peach_Bruise |
24 | OldManThyme | 74 | SneefSnorfinHere |
25 | JustDieAlready | 75 | SnotGoblin |
26 | GrimSleeper | 76 | DeathofHats |
27 | SamVimesBoots | 77 | IMNORMAL |
28 | CountHackula | 78 | aquaregiadrinker |
30 | WeWillSEE | 80 | UserNotFound |
31 | PrincessFuckOff | 81 | ObviousReference |
32 | SingedWitch | 82 | SozBbeImBusyxxx |
33 | BUKSRGUD | 83 | WideMouthFrog |
34 | PEN_ISLAND_LTD | 84 | ChortleBack |
35 | PrintHelloWorld | 85 | HackingCough |
36 | SphericalMan | 86 | PuerileHumour |
37 | PencilNeck | 87 | YouGotMeIDidIt |
38 | IntrusiveThoughts | 88 | ShadowPuppet |
39 | peoplemilkshake | 89 | TOOHOTFORTHIS |
40 | StopDoingThat | 90 | NVR_Therapy |
41 | Numb_Neck_Up | 91 | ButNoCigar |
42 | LERNBYDOING | 92 | GODSJockStrap |
43 | mNmpeepchili | 93 | WhiteChocolateShrimp |
44 | HARDER | 94 | NotAGirl |
45 | OutsideTheBinary | 95 | BlackFeatherFan |
46 | THERES_SO_MANY | 96 | iknokungfu |
47 | nothingonme | 97 | REALboredngl |
48 | LadyInTheRedDress | 98 | Lugosi_Aint_Dead |
49 | interrobang_png | 99 | RepetitiveMotion |
50 | loosinmyhumanatee | 100 | ACESand8s |